Transportation vocabulary in Spanish and English

In this article, you will find a list of means of transportation and vehicles in Spanish and English, useful phrases relating to transportation, and guides on how to pronounce these words.

Means of transportation in Spanish and English - Vocabulary list

(el) bus/autobús - /boos/, /ow.tow.boos/ - bus
(la) buseta - /boo.SEH.tah/ - small bus
(el) taxi - /TAHK.see/ - taxi, cab
(el) carro - /KAH.roh/ - car
(el) tren - /trehn/ - train
(el) camión - /kah.mee.OHN/ - truck
(la) camioneta -  /kah.mee.oh.NEH.tah/ - van, pickup truck
(el) avión - /ah.bee.OHN/ - plane
(el) helicóptero - /eh.lee.KOHP.teh.roh/  - helicopter
(el) barco  - /BARH.coh/ - ship
(el) bote - /BOH.teh/ - small boat
(la) canoa - /KAH.noh.AH/ - canoe
(el) yate - /JAH.teh/ - yacht
(la) motocicleta - /moh.toh.see.KLEH.tah/ - motorcycle
(la) bicicleta - /bee.see.KLEH.tah/ - bicycle
(el) metro - /MEH.troh/ - subway

Vehicle and transportation words in English

Useful phrases related to transportation in Spanish and English

viajar en bus - travel by bus
coger el bus - catch the bus
subir al bus - get on the bus
bajar del bus - get off the bus
ir a pie - go on foot
pedir un taxi - ask for a cab
llegar - arrive
irse - go
salir - leave/depart
abordar - board
embarcarse - embark
desembarcar - disembark
poner gasolina - put gas
manejar, conducir - drive (a car, a truck)
montar - ride (a bike, a motorcycle)
pilotear - fly (a plane)

I leave for the airport at 6:00 a.m - Salgo para el aeropuerto a las 6:00 a.m
The ship arrives at 6:00 p.m - El barco llega a las 6:00 p.m
I need to ask for a cab - Necesito pedir un taxi

Those are basic words that you need to know when talking about transportation. Keep up on our site to expand your vocabulary of different aspects and topics.

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