Spanish idioms of the day with English translation (Part 1)

Learning idioms is an essential part of language learning process so that you can fully understand and communicate with native speakers. And since idioms are common words or phrases with a culturally understood meaning, you need to learn and know how to use them in the right circumstances.
Today, we will show you 5 common idioms in Spanish with English translation. Let's check out!

Spanish idioms with English translation - Spanish to English

1. Ser pan comido - to be a piece of cake
The literal translation of this Spanish idiom is “to be bread eaten,”. The meaning of this idiom is that something is very easy to do. 
2. Tener un humor de perros - to be in a bad mood
This idiom is literally translated as "to have a mood of dogs,” This idiom means someone is in an irritable or depressed state of mind. And of course, the antonym of this idiom is "to be in a good mood".
Tener un humor de perros - to be in a bad mood - Spanish to English idioms
3. No tener pelo en la lengua - to be straightforward / To tell it like it is
Literal translation: "not to have hairs on your tongue"
Meaning: If someone says this, they are just going to come out and speak their mind or say what they are feeling. 
4. Se me hace agua la boca - To make one’s mouth water / To be mouthwatering
This Spanish idiom is translated as "to make one's mouth water". It means that an item of food or a meal is so delicious that makes the saliva flow in your mouth and makes you really want to eat it.
5. Echar agua al mar - to do something pointless or to put a drop in the bucket
Literal translation: to throw water into the sea. This idiom means that something is pointless.
Tratar de convencerla es como echar agua al mar. Ella nunca va a cambiar.
Trying to convince her is pointless. She’s never going to change.

That's all for today. Follow our site to sharpen your Spanish and English skills through vocabulary, grammar, and idioms

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