Genres of movies in Spanish - Basic words

Here we will provide you with a list of common vocabulary when talking about movies or films in Spanish. Words and phrases related to movie and film types. They are all pretty to learn and remember since they are pretty similar to English. Let's get spanish to english translation and learn new words!

Genres of movies in Spanish

Types of films or movie genres in Spanish

Horror - Terror
Comedy - Comedia
Romance - Romance
Science fiction - Ciencia ficción
Adventure - Adventura
Action - Acción
Animation - Animación
Documentary - Documentario

Common words and phrases about films and movies in Spanish

Film - Película
Cinema - cinema
Characters - Personajes
Actor - Actor
Actress - Actriz
Scene - Escena
Subtitles - Los subtítulos 
Why don't we go to the movies?) - ¿Por qué no vamos al cine? 
How much does the ticket cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada de cine? 
I think it is a very interesting movie - Me parece una película muy interesante. 
Who is the main actress? - ¿Quién es la actriz principal? 
Plot - El argumento
Sound -El sonido
Movie star - La Estrella de cine
Special effects - Los efectos especiales

Above is a list of common words and phrases used to talk about film and movie genres. Hope this help you on the way of mastering Spanish!

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